Jocurile sunt facute (Stiri 27 iunie)

27-06-2008 1 minut Sublinieri


“Twenty church groups yesterday said the government should stop Florina travelling to Britain.The pro-life Christian Orthodox groups also threatened to press charges if the girl was allowed to have a termination in Romania on exceptional grounds.

They offered ‘material, spiritual and psychological help’ to the girl’s impoverished family, adding they would also raise the child in a church institution if the family was unable to care for it.

But the Romanian Orthodox Church, which is followed by more than 80 per cent of the population, said the abortion decision should be left to the family.

Spokesman Constantin Stoica said it was ‘an exceptional situation which must be treated in an exceptional manner and the family is the only one to take this decision’.

He added that the church considers abortion a crime, but this belief applies to normal circumstances and not to incest or rape“.


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Pagini Ortodoxe, Presa

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