- Antena3: BBC vrea să interzică folosirea termenilor „înainte de Christos” şi “după Christos”. Află motivul
Postul BBC este criticat de clericii din Marea Britanie, după ce conducerea trustului a decis să evite folosirea termenilor „înainte de Christos” şi “după Christos” cu “înaintea erei noastre”, respectiv “era noastră”. Măsura a fost luată din dorinţa de a nu ofensa persoanele care nu sunt creştine, informează The Telegraph.
Această schimbare nu îşi are rostul, susţin persoanele religioase, întrucât perioadele istorice se raportează la naşterea lui Iisus, indiferent care ar fi termenii utilizaţi. Nici jurnaliştii BBC nu par mai încântaţi de măsură, spunând că vor folosi în continuare aceşti termeni pentru că altfel ar putea fi înţeleşi greşit.
Un membru al Institutului Musulman din Marea Britanie spune că nu se simte ofensat de folosirea acestor termeni care fac referire la Iisus, însă unul dintre rabinii intervievaţi de publicaţia britanică a declarat că susţine măsura luată de BBC. În urma plângerilor primite, conducerea BBC a decis să le permită realizatorilor de emsiuni să folosească ambele variante.
- Rugaciunea Tatal nostru interzisa intr-o scoala din Australia
“38. Căci de cel ce se va ruşina de Mine şi de cuvintele Mele, în neamul acesta desfrânat şi păcătos, şi Fiul Omului Se va ruşina de el, când va veni întru slava Tatălui său cu sfinţii îngeri.”
Toti acestia sunt coordonati in a ataca ce a mai ramas din mostenirea crestina…
Iata mai jos un articol recent (si asemanator), pe aceasta tema:
Sep 02, 2011 12:03pm
CHRISTIANS are outraged that the birth of Jesus Christ will no longer be cited when recording dates under the new national history curriculum.
High school students will not use the terms BC (Before Christ) and AD (Anno Domini) when referencing dates.
Although history dates won’t change, with textbooks still using the birth of Christ as the change point, they will use the neutral terms BCE (Before Common Era), BP (Before Present) and CE (Common Era).
Archbishop of Sydney Peter Jensen said yesterday that removing BC and AD from the curriculum was an “intellectually absurd attempt to write Christ out of human history”.
Do you agree with the changes? Vote in our poll below
“It is absurd because the coming of Christ remains the centre point of dating and because the phrase ‘common era’ is meaningless and misleading,” he told The Daily Telegraph.
It was akin to calling Christmas the festive season, he said.
A spokesman for the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, responsible for developing the national curriculum from kindergarten to Year 12, said BCE and CE were to be introduced because this was an increasingly common standard for the representation of dates.
The little known term BP (Before Present) will be used when dealing with “very ancient history and archaeology, and allows for the teaching of more sophisticated understandings of representations of time”.
In anticipation of the curriculum change, textbooks for student teachers such as Teaching And Learning In Aboriginal Education, by Neil Harrison, were already using the term BP.
Federal Opposition education spokesman Christopher Pyne said: “Australia is what it is today because of the foundations of our nation in the Judeo-Christian heritage that we inherited from Western civilisation.
“Kowtowing to political correctness by the embarrassing removal of AD and BC in our national curriculum is of a piece with the fundamental flaw of trying to deny who we are as a people.”
The curriculum was to have been introduced next year but has been delayed.
HISTORY OF CE AND BE The Common Era was originally introduced by Dionysius Exiguus in the sixth century.It appeared in English as early 1708 and its use can traced back to the Latin term vulgaris aerae and the English Vulgar Era.Use of the CE abbreviation was introduced by Jewish academics in the mid-19th century. The terms CE and BCE became popular in academic and scientific publications in the late 20th century. It was used by publishers to emphasise secularism or sensitivity to non-Christians.The terms still use the Gregorian calendar, and the year-numbering system associated with it.
In cazul asta ar trebui sa se renunte la sistemul actual de numerotare a anilor, deoarece nu va mai exista o motivatie rationala a acestui lucru odata cu trecerea sub tacere a nasterii Domnului. De ce ne aflam azi in anul 2011, pe ce temei? Imi aduc aminte explicatia absurda si hilara din manualul de istorie din clasa a 4-a (anii ’70, pe vremea comunistilor) pe care am tinut-o minte aproape cuvant cu cuvant: prin conventie s-a stabilit ca anul 753 de la intemeierea Romei sa devina anul 1 al erei noastre. 🙂 Probabil ca atunci se considera suficient atat, in ideea ca niste copii de 9-10 ani nu-si vor pune alte intrebari adiacente: de ce tocmai acel an sau cine au fost cei care au convenit aceasta data? Adica s-au strans unii si-a zis careva dintre ei: “Ia stai, frate, sa luam anul asta si sa-i zicem 1 e.n.” “Maaama, ce idee buna, foarte tare, asa sa fie!” Curat stiintific!