Forum despre riscurile tehnologiei 5G. De la EFECTELE ASUPRA SANATATII la infrastructura necesara SUPRAVEGHERII TOTALE a populatiei (materiale video disponibile pe termen limitat)
Am primit pe email de la un frate aceasta sinteza despre riscurile tehnologiei 5G asa cum au fost ele discutate la un forum recent, 5G Crisis. Awareness and Accountability. Prelegerile sustinute in cadrul acestui eveniment, rezumate mai jos, sunt disponibile pentru vizionare la linkurile puse la dispozitie pe o perioada limitata de doar 7 zile.
„Daca spui ca guvernul te urmareste ti se va spune ca esti ciudat. Cand se va dovedi ca asa este, ti se va raspunde ca esti ciudat pentru ca ti se pare ciudat acest lucru…”
James Corbett
Anul acesta, in lunile august-septembrie, s-a desfasurat un forum virtual la care subiectul principal a fost tehnologia 5G, efectele ei asupra sanatatii, scopurile implementarii acestei tehnologii, studiile facute pana acum vis-a-vis de efectele asupra sanatatii oamenilor in primul rand, metode de protectie sau reducere a efectelor ei, cai legale de rezistenta impotriva desfasurarii acestei tehnologii, s.a.m.d.
Au participat zeci de invitati, multi dintre cu doctorate in medicina, biochimie, biofizica, inginerie, medici specialisti in dependenta de electronice, avocati (o figura notabila fiind nepotul lui Kennedy foarte cunoscut prin lupta pentru protejarea apelor si pozitia critica deschisa referitoare la vaccinarea copiilor) si altii.
In prezent se monteaza milioane de antene 5G, la distante foarte mici una de alta (datorita frecventei crescute, puterea undelor scade, chiar la 80 de metri – sub 300 de metri studiile au aratat pana acum efecte negative asupra sanatatii).
In paralel a demarat proiectul de amplasare a 20.000 de sateliti 5G ce vor acoperi tot globul. Elon Musk prin firma lui, SpaceX; Bezos de la Amazon; OneWeb fiind cei mai cunoscuti. Au fost lansati 60 de sateliti pana acum (Starlink de la SpaceX):
Am reusit sa descarc inregistrarile, se poate obtine accesul nelimitat pentru 7 zile, fara posibilitate de descarcare, sau se poate cumpara un DVD cu $60 cu toate interviurile. Inregistrarile de pe WeTransfer sunt disponibile o saptamana, se pot viziona cu VLC Player. La sfarsit am inclus biografia unora dintre vorbitori.
Cateva cuvinte intai despre efectele posibile,daca nu probabile, asupra sanatatii. Apoi metode prin care ne putem proteja, iar la sfarsit am spicuit cateva extrase din inregistrarile video ce merita urmarite in intregime.
Pe scurt, studiile de pana in prezent subliniaza efecte negative asupra sanatatii precum:
Cancer, modificari la nivelul ADN-ului, aritmii cardiace, insuficienta cardiaca ce poate merge pana la infarct, infertilitate, sterilitate, Alzheimer, depresie, oboseala cronica, slabirea sistemului nervos, slabirea sistemului imunitar, insomnii, dificultati in concentrare si memorare, ADHD samd.
Aceste efecte pot fi amplificate de metalele grele ce le avem in corp (mercur, aluminiu, samd. din vaccinuri, alimente, chiar si plombe cu amalgam si alte surse. Dr. Klinghardt spune ca nivelul de aluminiu al pacientilor americani este de 100 de ori mai mare decat al europenilor), de fluorul din apa, chimicalele din alimente, lumina produsa de becurile LED si cele fluorescente, samd.
Efectul asupra mediului inconjurator, cum ar fi distrugerea insectelor, afectarea plantelor si a naturii pana la nivel microbiologic.
Care ar fi mijloacele prin care ne putem proteja sau macar reduce efectele negative asupra noastra?
Ideala este renuntarea la wireless – fibra optica este cea mai indicata sau cablul pentru telefonie si internet, eliminate aparatele smart precum tablete, smart watch, contoare smart (ce au inceput sa fie implementate acum si in Romania), baby monitors (unul dintre vorbitori numeste aceste aparate criminale; am scanat casa unui prieten cu un detector de unde – EMF Meter la sfarsitul mesajului este aparatul folosit – si spre marea noastra surpriza nivelul radiatiilor emise de monitor depasea cu mult nivelul router-ului!), folosirea tastaturii si mouse-ului de calculator cu fir, renuntarea la frigidere si alte appliance-uri smart, Alexa sau Google, dispozitive bluetooth s.a.
Cele mai multe telefoane in instructiunile de folosire recomanda tinerea telefonului la cel putin 1-2 cm de corp in timpul convorbirilor (de obicei undeva mai pe la urma, cu scris mic).
Daca nu putem renunta la ele macar sa oprim router-ul sau modem-ul in timpul noptii, tineti telefoanele smart numai pe serviciul de telefonie (opriti WiFi si Mobile Data cand nu sunteti pe internet) sau pe airplane mode noaptea, cat mai departe de pat si in general cat mai departe de corp.
Vorbiti cat mai putin la telefon cand semnalul este slab deoarece telefonul atunci emite mai multa radiatie cautand cu disperare semnal mai bun.
De asemenea in locuintele tip bloc unde vecinii folosesc aceste aparate, se pot folosi ecrane ce protejeaza prin asa numitul efect al custii Faraday (Faraday cage). Firele metalice (cupru, argint, etc) dese ce alcatuiesc un invelis ca o plasa opresc undele electromagnetice si protejeaza pe cel din interior. Placile si foile de cupru, aluminiu, etc. opresc sau atenueaza undele.
Din experienta proprie am masurat o reducere aproximativ cu o treime a nivelului masurat folosind folia de aluminiu de bucatarie.
Un router invelit cu folie de aluminiu (partea stralucitoare inspre sursa), la cativa metri are un semnal aproape nedectabil de catre aparatul de masura.
IMPORTANT: DISTANTA fata de sursa este critica, scade puterea undelor cu PATRATUL DISTANTEI.
Exista vopsele bazate pe grafit, geamuri speciale, acoperisurile metalice ajuta de asemenea. Exista si tesaturi speciale (cu fire de cupru, argint) din care se face vestminte, sau se pot acoperi patuturile copiilor. Unul dintre producatorii cunoscuti, daca nu chiar primii ce au inceput comercializarea sunt din Elvetia, asa numitul Swiss Shield Naturell.
Dr. Klinghardt vorbeste si despre anumite suplimente, tratamente naturiste ce pot ajuta la repararea celulelor, reducerea efectelor nocive, eliminarea metalelor grele din corp, samd. Nu sunt medic asa ca indemn pe fiecare sa-si faca lectia de acasa, sa studieze si alte surse.
Si nu in ultimul rand, calea legala prin care putem opri amplasarea antenelor 5G in vecinatate, a contoarelor smart, samd. (vezi Day, Kennedy) prin consiliile locale initial, samd. Sunt miscari de amploare in Elvetia, Australia si alte tari.
Incep cu o inregistrare din dezbaterile tinute in Senatul american in privinta implementarii 5G. Senatorul Blumenthal din statul Connecticut, fost procuror general al aceluiasi stat, ii intreaba pe reprezentatii companiilor de telefonie mobila in privinta efectelor asupra sanatatii oamenilor, cati bani au fost alocati studiilor respective, exista studii independente, unde pot consumatorii gasi aceste studii asupra efectelor biologice ale noii tehnologii. Merita urmarit raspunsul acestora:
Armata americana foloseste undele milimetrice la controlul multimilor, de exemplu prin Active Denial System. Anumite frecvente pot induce stari de groaza, panica, pot avea influente psihologice visul clasei tehnocrate [Dr. Wood].
Dr. Beverly Rubik discuta despre documentele declasificate ale CIA referitoare la experimentele Uniunii Sovietice, apoi despre folosirea undelor si in scopuri medicale.
Inca de la introducerea undelor prin radio-telegrafie, radar iar astazi comunicatiile telefoniei mobile, internetul writeless, aparate smart precum telefoanele, ceasurile, IOT – Internet of Things, frigidere, Google sau Alexa, samd. efectele negative asupra sanatatii au fost cunoscute.
La inceputul secolului trecut se chema neuroastenie, apoi o data cu introducerea radarului – boala microundelor, apoi secretarele ce lucrau mult in fata ecranelor – dermatita ecranului.
Dr. Magda Havas il numeste astazi sindromul imbatranirii accelerate si imparte in 4 categorii aceste unde:
– Low EMF – unde electromagnetice precum cele de la cablurile de inalte tensiune;
– RF – Dirty Electricity – unde radio;
– Ground Current, curenti ce pot calatori prin tevile de apa, samd;
– Microwave Radiation – Radiatia Microundelor
De asemenea imparte efectele asupra sanatatii in 3 categorii:
– Cancer
– Probleme ale aparatului reproductiv, expunerea fatului in timpul sarcinii
– Imorfic – efecte neurologice, hormonale, samd.
In functie de electrosensibilitatea fiecaruia efectele pot apare mai devreme sau chiar dupa 10-20 de ani, timp in care organismul se lupta sa ramana in echilibru (homeostatis). Cei mai afectati sunt copiii al caror corp este in crestere, studiile arata ca proportional fata de adulti efectul este mult mai puternic.
Dr. Ronald L Melnick a luat parte la experimentul realizat de National Toxicology Program (institutie guvernamentala) la cererea FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) asupra efectelor 2G. Dupa $30 milioane si 10 ani de studii rezultatele au aratat aparitia tumorilor la inima si creier si anumite glande. FDA a renuntat la studiu fara nici o explicatie…
In 2002 Departamentul Sanatatii al Statului California a facut un studiu ce arata ca 3% din populatie Californiei este afectata de transmisiile electromagnetice. Universitatea Berkeley a trebuit sa dea in judecata statul California pentru a-i obliga sa faca public studiul respectiv si sa atraga atentia asupra folosirii telefoanelor celulare.
In anul 2000 un comitet de oameni de stiinta din Marea Britanie recomandau guvernului sa interzica folosirea telefoanelor celulare pana la varsta de 16 ani.
Dr. Devra Lee Davis spune ca frecventa ridicata, modulatia foarte rapida au capacitatea de a altera functionarea sanatoasa a nervilor si a celulelor (mai ales membrana si calciul ce trece prin membrana). Din cauza ca frecventa este foarte mare, puterea semnalului scade si este nevoie de antene foarte dese, la cateva sute de metri unele de altele. Se pune intrebarea, ce se poate intampla daca aceste antene sunt folosite la frecventa putin mai ridicata, precum cele folosite de armata la controlul multimilor?
Dr. Dietrich Klinghardt, ce are mai multe clinici de detoxificare de metale grele, chimicale, unde electromagnetice, samd. spune ca efectele radiatiei electromagnetice de multe ori sunt reversibile cand inceteaza expunerea la aceste unde. Spune ca frecventele tehnologiei 2G de 2.4GHz au fost proiectate in Anglia si au ca efect o populatie docila si duc la infertilitate. Soarecii supusi permanent radiatiilor electromagnetice la a treia generatie au incetat reproducerea. In tarile civilizate infertilitatea este o problema majora, de exemplu Singapore si Coreea de Sud cu scaderi ale natalitatii intre 25-35% datorita unui complex de factori.
Robert F. Kennedy (nepotul lui Robert Kennedy, fratele lui JFK) – avocat, prezinta pericolele copiilor expusi la aceste unde, vaccinuri,
Sayer prezinta cazuri din Canada (Sayer2) unde in scolile cu wireless sau cu antene de telefonie langa scoala au aparut cazuri de cancer la creier si infarcturi printre copii. Franta si Israel au interzis WiFi in scoli, in Romania toate scolile au primit WiFi!
James Corbett prezinta tehnologia 5G ca fiind absolut necesara la supravegherea totala a populatiei. Numai prin 5G, care aduce o crestere uriasa a vitezei si latimii de banda fata de 4G, se poate urmari in timp real toata populatia globului prin aparatele smart ce vor fi in locuinte, autoturisme si nu numai. FBI si CIA au recunoscut ca aceasta tehnologie Smart, IoT (Internet of Things) le permite aceasta supraveghere si ca au de gand sa se foloseasca de ea. Modelul final este cel testat acum in China, al creditului social ce se stabileste in urma supravegherii permanente. Prin acest sistem guvernul chinez estimeaza reputatia sociala si economica a cetatenilor si a firmelor. Oamenii sunt clasati in functie de punctaj si peste un anumit barem sunt recompensati, sub un anumit barem sunt pedepsiti.
De exemplu, daca bei alcool, fumezi in locuri interzise, cumperi prea multe jocuri video, incalci reguli de circulatie, duci o viata sedentara, critici guvernul, politia, samd. ti se poate interzice sa zbori cu avionul sau chiar sa calatoresti, viteza internetului se reduce, ti se interzice tie sau copiilor sa mergi la scoli bune sau la facultate, ti se refuza locuri de munca bune, samd.
5G va creste dependenta/adictia fata de aceste electronice deoarece va permite livrarea aproape instantanee a filmelor, jocurilor, samd. “instant gratification” [Dr. Greenfield].
sau varianta mai scumpa ce masoara atat varfurile cat si media:
Inregistrarile video (disponibile prin wetransfer timp de sase zile)
Dr. Davis:
Dr. Havas:
Dr. Klinghardt:
James Corbett:
Dr. Rubik:
Dr. Melnick
Despre participantii la summitul 5G Crisis. Awareness and Accountability (EN):
James Corbett
– 5G, the IoT and total control of humanity
– Chinese social crediting system in the West?
– Freedom from socially-engineered propaganda
Devra Lee Davis, PhD, MPH
Dr. Devra Davis is president and founder of the Environmental Health Trust, and is an award-winning, internationally renowned scientist and founding director of the Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology of the National Academies of Sciences. She is also a current visiting professor of medicine in Israel and Turkey. Currently, the Environmental Health Trust focuses on raising awareness of the established impacts of cell phone use on public health and performs cutting-edge research on exposure to cell phone and other wireless radiation. Davis is the author of When Smoke Ran Like Water (a National Book Award Finalist), The Secret History of the War on Cancer, and Disconnect—The Truth About Cell Phone Radiation, What Industry Has Done to Hide It, and How to Protect Your Family.
Davis is currently working with senior officials from the governments of India, Israel, Brazil, Australia, Turkey and the United Arab Republic to promote the creation of an independent research and training program in bioelectromagnetics. Her work has been featured on CNN,, CSPAN, CBC, BBC, public radio and numerous blogs.
– Science the industry doesn’t want you to know
– Impact of millimeter waves on your health
– Exposing the industry playbook
Jerry Day
Jerry Day is an Emmy-winning television producer, writer, host and activist. He operates for people with electromagnetic sensitivity and damage, and injuries caused by electronic utility meters. Covering the issues of freedom and rights, his YouTube channel, minivanjack, has been viewed and shared by over 7 million people. An early innovator in the movement to expose viewers to the hazards and harm caused by “advanced” electronic utility meters, he has made numerous radio interviews and public presentations.
He has produced hundreds of productions including television programs and pilots, commercials, corporate video programs, foundation and nonprofit programs, highly technical surgical training videos, public service announcements, music videos, marketing and tutorial videos on a range of subjects. Different than most media producers who only “produce,” Jerry Day is hands-on and directly involved in the many aspects of production.
– Link between 5G, “smart” meters and IoT
– 4 main concerns (you should know about!)
– Powerful tips in the fight for our rights
Dr. Greenfield is the founder and medical director of The Center for Internet and Technology Addiction and an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine. He is a leading authority on process/behavioral addiction medicine and author of numerous articles/chapters on virtual addiction which, in 1999, were an early warning regarding the world’s growing internet addiction problem. Dr. Greenfield lectures throughout the world, and has appeared on CNN, Dr. Oz, Good Morning America, The Today Show, Fox News, ESPN, NPR and HBO. He’s been featured in U.S. News and World Report, Newsweek, People, Time, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and The Economist.
– How to protect children from screens, VR and gaming
– Coming to terms with tech addictions
– Awareness of “addictive-by-design” technologies
Lawrence Gust, founder of Gust Environmental, received his BS in Electrical Engineering and an MBA from the University of Wisconsin. Mr. Gust has a 25-year business background with two Fortune 500 companies. He studied with the Institute for Building Biology and is a certified building biology environmental consultant and a certified electromagnetic radiation specialist. He continues to teach at the Institute and is president of the board of directors.
Gust Environmental has served clients in the US, Europe and Oman since 1993. The company specializes in complete assessment of indoor environmental health factors, often through health care practitioners. Mr. Gust has evaluated and recommended remedial measures in well over 1,700 buildings and consults on the environmental aspects of construction and remodeling. He has spoken at the Scripps-Mende Well Baby Program, the LA Cancer Control Convention and the World Congress on Integrative Medicines. Mr. Gust appeared on a panel at the NYC Open Center with Dr. Stephen Sinatra and Dr. Martin Blank of Columbia University, presenting “How to Protect Ourselves and Our Children from Electromagnetic Fields.”
– Types and sources of EMF radiation
– Best methods for protection
– Building Biology Institute: EMF safety experts
Dr. Magda Havas is professor emeritus at Trent School of the Environment and Centre for Health Studies at Trent University in Peterborough, Canada. She does research on the biological effects of electromagnetic pollution and on the beneficial effects of electrotherapies. She is co-author of Public Health SOS: The Shadow Side of the Wireless Revolution. Dr. Havas is internationally recognized for her early work on acid rain and metal pollution and for her current research in the area of electromagnetic pollution and electromagnetic therapy.
– Rise of “electro-hypersensitivity”
– Impact of EMFs on your health
– Simple solutions to protect your home
For over three decades, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been one of the world’s leading environmental advocates. He is the founder and president of Waterkeeper Alliance, the umbrella group for 300 local waterkeeper organizations, in 34 countries, that track down and sue polluters. Under his leadership, Waterkeeper has grown to become the world’s largest clean water advocacy organization.
Around 2005, parents of vaccine-injured children began encountering Mr. Kennedy’s speeches and writings about the toxic mercury-based preservative thimerosal. They embraced new hope that this environmental champion would finally expose the truth about vaccine injury and win justice for injured children. Kennedy is known for his fierce and relentless brand of environmental activism and his advocacy for transparent government and rigorous science. He is now applying his tenacious energies and sophisticated strategies to exposing the fraud and corruption within the CDC and the pharmaceutical industry. Last month, he launched his new non-profit, the Children’s Health Defense, with vaccine safety advocates Lyn Redwood and Laura Bono, legends themselves among parents of vaccine-injured children.
– 5G satellite insanity
– Industry lobbying and captured agencies
– Violations of human rights and informed consent
Dr. Klinghardt studied medicine and psychology in Freiburg, Germany, completing his PhD on the involvement of the autonomic nervous system in autoimmune disorders. Early in his career, he became interested in the sequelae of chronic toxicity (especially lead, mercury, environmental pollutants and electromagnetic fields) on the course of illness. While working in India, he encountered Eastern concepts of disease etiology and blended them with his Western training. This laid the foundation for his 5-level system of Integrative Medicine. In the US he spent three years as a full-time emergency physician before becoming medical director of the Santa Fe Pain Center. Increasingly aware of the limitations of conventional medicine when dealing with chronic conditions, he trained in Ericksonian hypnotherapy and began to include body-oriented psychotherapeutic and counseling approaches in his work, along with neural therapy, mesotherapy injection techniques and applied psychoneurobiology.
Dr. Klinghardt has contributed significantly to the understanding of metal toxicity and its connection with chronic infections, illness and pain. He has been instrumental in advancing various fields within biological medicine — non-invasive pain management, injection techniques for pain and orthopedic dysfunction, anti-aging medicine, toxicology, pediatrics (neuro-developmental disorders), energy psychology, biological dentistry and others. He has also developed Autonomic Response Testing, a comprehensive diagnostic system that has helped many practitioners to become accomplished holistic physicians.
He founded Sophia Health Institute in 2012, and is actively involved in patient care at his clinic.
– Metals, mold, autism, Alzheimer’s and autoimmunity
– Strategies for overcoming EMF trauma
– Clinical experiences of major recovery and healing
Richard Lear is founder of Search for the Cause and chairman of Greenwave, which offers dirty electricity filters and meters for homes, schools and businesses. He pursued pre-medicine and engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology and graduated magna cum laude from Brown University with a Bachelor of Economics. He has worked in the technology industry since 1992 and has founded five Silicon Valley-based businesses.
Lear has penned more than a dozen articles on health and environmental impact and is presently launching Heroics, which explores trends, myths and heroes in a new era of health.
– What is the “P-FACTOR?”
– 7 biological factors behind the healthcare crisis
– Pivotal roles of EMF and peroxynitrite
“Clear Evidence of Cancer:” The $30M NTP Study
Ronald L. Melnick, PhD, is an independent consultant and was a senior toxicologist for 28 years in the National Toxicology Program (NTP) at the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), part of the National Institutes of Health, leading the design and interpretation of numerous toxicity and mechanistic studies on environmental and occupational chemicals. He led the design of the NTP’s Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Cell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation in Rodents. Dr. Melnick has served on numerous scientific review boards and advisory panels, including those for the Environmental Protection Agency and the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which classified RFR as a possible carcinogen in 2011. Dr. Melnick spent one year at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy working on interagency assessments of health risks of environmental agents.
– Findings of the U.S. National Toxicology study
– Cancer, tumors, heart problems and DNA damage
– Why is government ignoring this landmark study?
Wireless Radiation in Autoimmunity
When it comes to getting healthy, Dr. Tom O’Bryan’s goal is to make it easy to do the right thing. He is an internationally recognized, admired and compassionate speaker focusing on food sensitivities, environmental toxins and the development of autoimmune diseases. Dr. O’Bryan’s audiences discover that it is through a clear understanding of how they got to where they are, that they can figure out how to get well.
Dr. O’Bryan is considered a “Sherlock Holmes” for chronic disease. He teaches that recognition of the underlying mechanisms activating an immune response is the map toward better health. Dr. O’Bryan holds teaching faculty positions with the Institute for Functional Medicine and the National University of Health Sciences. He has also trained and certified tens of thousands of practitioners around the world in advanced understanding of the impact of wheat sensitivity and the development of individual autoimmune diseases.
Dr. O’Bryan is the founder of and the visionary behind The Gluten Summit: A Grain of Truth, Betrayal: The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You, and his #1 international, ground-breaking book that won the National Book Award, The Autoimmune Fix.
– Link between EMF and chronic disease
– Impact on neurological health and immune system
– Consequences of industry-controlled regulation
Explaining the Mechanism of Wireless Harm (Part 1)
Martin Pall is professor emeritus of biochemistry and basic medical sciences at Washington State University (WSU). He earned his PhD in biochemical genetics from Caltech, and was on the faculty of WSU for many years before “retiring” in 2008. Since then he has published numerous papers on wireless radiation effects. Dr. Pall’s research has focused most on 9 different categories of effects of wireless radiation: neurological and neuropsychiatric effects, cellular DNA damage, cell death, endocrine effects, cancer, cardiac effects, very early onset Alzheimer’s and other dementias. One of his most valuable contributions is describing, in detail, the main mechanism by which these effects are produced.
– 9 different areas of harm from wireless
– Chemical process behind the harmful biological effects
– Why 5G is more dangerous than its predecessors
5 Most Critical Areas of Harm (Part 2)
– Most startling ways 5G damages your health
– High urgency to solve this meta-problem
– Possible role of EMFs in wildfire ignition
Effects of Wireless on the Human Biofield
Dr. Beverly Rubik has had a life-long interest in frontier areas of science and medicine beyond the mainstream, and she is internationally renowned for her pioneering work. Dr. Rubik is especially known for her research on the biofield and biofield therapies, and in 1992, she chaired a panel at NIH that introduced the term “biofield.” In 1994, “biofield” became a medical subject heading at the US National Library of Medicine. Presently she is conducting research, together with Harry Jabs, to develop novel physical sensors for qi, to explore the extremely low-level light of life (biophotons), and to investigate the health issues of humans exposed to wireless communication radiation. She is also president of the US Psychotronics Association.
– Understanding the human biofield
– How to protect yourself from 5G?
– EMF effects on live blood cells
5G and the War on Consciousness
Sayer Ji is a speaker, health advocate and founder of GreenMedInfo. GreenMedInfo, founded in 2008, provides a resource where consumers and health care professionals can access evidence-based, clinical data without the complexity of searching and navigating multiple health institutions.
GreenMedInfo is dedicated to providing evidence-based natural medical information. Through open access, paid memberships and high-quality educational products, GreenMedInfo provides physicians, healthcare practitioners, clinicians, researchers and consumers a resource to determine the therapeutic value of vitamins, minerals, herbs and foods.
– Satellites and 5G: what are the facts?
– Propaganda and censorship tactics
– Threats to freedom of choice and natural medicine
Communities Using Fiber Optics Instead of 5G
Dr. Timothy Schoechle is a communications technology expert and an international consultant in computer engineering and standardization. He is a former faculty member of the University of Colorado’s Engineering College and senior research fellow at the National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy. Dr. Schoechle’s works, Getting Smarter About The Smart Grid and Reinventing Wires: The Future of Landline and Networks, are uniquely positioned to help provide a roadmap for real solutions to the problems associated with the hasty and untested deployment of 5G and small cells.
– Pilot cities providing wired solutions
– 5G, driverless cars and IoT as the next bubble to burst?
– Communities and local governments working together
Eliminating Dirty Electricity in Your Home
Terry Stotyn specializes in providing a solution to the harmful electrical effects of the smart meter grid on our health and sensitive equipment. He has been an inter-provincially ticketed tradesman for over 40 years, specializing in testing of control and electrical systems, and has a vast knowledge of dirty power characteristics.
– Where does it come from?
– How “dirty power” causes disease
– 3 benefits of filtering “dirty electricity”
5G: The Agenda for Total Control
Patrick Wood is a leading, critical expert on sustainable development, green economy, Agenda 21, the U.N. 2030 Agenda and historic technocracy. He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation (2015) and co-author of Trilaterals Over Washington, Volumes I and II (1978-1980), with the late Antony C. Sutton. He remains a leading expert on the policies and achievements of the elitist Trilateral Commission. He is also a frequent speaker and guest on radio shows around the nation.
An economist by education, a financial analyst and writer by profession and an American constitutionalist by choice, Wood maintains a biblical world view and has deep historical insights into the modern attacks on sovereignty, property rights and personal freedom epitomized by the implementation of U.N. policies such as Agenda 21, sustainable development, smart growth and in education, the widespread adoption of Common Core State Standards. His current research builds on Trilateral Commission hegemony and focuses on technocracy, transhumanism and scientism, and how these are transforming global economics, politics and religion.
– Connection between 5G and the “Technocracy”
– Economy based on energy consumption and surveillance?
– The “social credit” policy (and other dangerous agendas)
Professor Marshall started his career as an engineer and is now a Senior Life Member of the IEEE. He taught at Curtin University for many years before transitioning to Medical Research, where he wrote his PhD on Diabetes. Recently he has focused on predictive and preventative Medicine as the director of the Autoimmunity Research Foundation. Most recently, he has conducted studies on the impact of Wireless technology on the human body.
– Unacceptable risk from 5G transmitters
– Difference between satellite and local 5G
– Most important step to protect yourself and family
Fratele Ioan
“I’m sorry Dave, I’m afraid I can’t do that”… (HAL 9000)
Este permisa distribuirea ( pe facebook, de ex.)?
“The World of 6G: Everything Can [will] Be an Access Point”
Va fi mars international pe 25 ianuarie impotriva tehnologiei 5g.
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